If you are having trouble viewing the PDF document content, use the links given below to install specific fonts:


Hindi Fonts

For correct display of PDF document contents:

Kruti Dev 010 (Normal)

Kruti Dev 010 (Bold)

Kruti Dev 010 (Italic)

Kruti Dev 010 (Bold Italic)

For correct display of website contents in Hindi (Devnagiri):

Unicode Devnagiri (Normal)Unicode Devnagiri (Bold)


Download these font files and save them into a folder. Click on the Start Menu -> Settings -> Control Panel. Open Fonts and click the File -> Install New Font. Select the folder in which you saved the font file. Select all fonts listed by the name Kruti Dev from the Font list and click OK.

On Windows 7, simply right click on the saved font file and select Install Font from the fly-out menu!